In line with our philosophy, which always accepts to be compatible with the values required by the age and to see the differences as equivalent to richness and to diversify the sources that provide the perspective as much as possible, our vision is to bring the individuals who are aware of their responsibilities and are sensitive to the problems of the society and the environment and the accumulation with universal value. Our main goal is to develop the academic knowledge that we produce at each level by combining them with different perspectives and to carry our society to the bright future.
Istinye University International Relations Department is able to analyze many events, facts and problems, including the political, economic and social developments, inter-state diplomatic relations, interactions of different international relations actors and their historical process, with the basic principles of international relations, with its versatile perspective, it aims to educate the human resource that has analytical thinking and ability to interrogate and evaluate. Our curriculum is prepared in accordance with the programs of prestigious universities abroad and shaped in a way to train expert individuals in some subjects such as European Union, Global Developments / Regional Studies and Turkish Foreign Policy etc. |