DIL513 English for Specific Purposes 3Istinye UniversityDegree Programs Nutrition and DieteticsGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Nutrition and Dietetics


Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code: DIL513
Course Name: English for Specific Purposes 3
Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Language of instruction: English
Course Condition:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: University Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator: Eğitim Danışmanı GÜLŞAH ERDAŞ
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr. Gör. CEM ŞENCAN
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: This academic course is for undergraduate students. Materials prepared by our lecturers are used during the classes and upper-intermadiate level of English is aimed to be obtained. The courses are about the latest developments and studies in Natural and Social Sicences Fields and basic concepts are covered according to their needs during the classes.
Course Content: Reading, speaking, listening and writing activities related with the students fields according to their level of English.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
1) Students learn the vocabulary about theri deparmtents
2) Students read articles and reading texts about their own departments
3) Students learn how to write essays and articles about the related topics of their departments
4) Students do audio-visual activities
5) Students do researches about thier own fields and do presantations and projects as homework

Course Flow Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) basic information about the profession
1) occupational analysis Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
2) recognition of the profession Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
3) Detailed definitions about the profession Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
4) Detailed definitions about the profession Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
5) Occupational areas and working condiitons in the field Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
6) Professional tools and terms used in the field Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
7) Reaserach and presentation techniques related with their fields Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
8) mid-term exam week
9) Occupational theories and concepts Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
10) Occupational theories and concepts Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
11) occupational analysis and professional studies Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
12) Occupational analysis and researches Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
13) Scientific ethics Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
14) Current developments in the field Authentic and original materials prepared by the lecturers of the Foreign Languages Department
15) final exam week
16) final exam week


Course Notes / Textbooks: öğretim görevlilerimiz tarafından tamamen öğrencilerimizin alanlarına yönelik olarak hazırlanmış kitapçıklar.
References: çeşitli websitelerinden konular ile ilgili ilişkili kullanılabilecek kaynaklar ve öğrencilerin alanlarına yönelik gelişmeleri yakından takip edebilecekleri websiteleri, güncel makale ve araştırmalar.

Course - Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Course Learning Outcomes






Program Outcomes
1) To be able to evaluate the basic knowledge and evidence-based developments in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, research, implementation, accuracy, reliability and validity.
2) To be able to develop an individual-specific nutritional plan and program in accordance with the rules of adequate and balanced nutrition, determination of energy and nutrient requirements of individuals with scientific methods.
3) Develop the nutritional and nutritional plan and policy for the protection, improvement and improvement of health by using methods for determining the nutritional status of the population.
4) To be able to evaluate the factors affecting the nutritional quality of the individual and society in production consumption chain and apply standards and legal regulations on food safety and security.
5) To use the current technologies, computer and information processing skills in the process of gathering and implementing basic information about Nutrition and Dietetics, having the ability of problem solving and decision making, creating a research project, information gathering and report preparation process.
6) Defines, evaluates, interprets, produces solutions, produces medical nutrition therapy, makes team work with all national and international stakeholders in health and social fields, acts according to ethical rules by using current knowledge and skills acquired in Nutrition and Dietetics field.
7) Taking into consideration the energy and nutrient requirements of the target group, evaluating the Nutrition and Dietetic aspects, makes menu planning in the institutions which are mass-fed and takes care of the food safety at all stages from the purchase of food to the service, and utilizes the technological developments in providing the appropriate service delivery.
8) Develops and implements strategies to encourage individuals and communities to choose safe and healthy foods, and prepares and updates relevant educational materials.
9) Makes laboratory applications for product development, nutrient analysis and factors affecting quality, evaluates and evaluates according to legal regulations.
10) Plans, manages, evaluates, monitors, reports and leads teamwork and supports the creation of national and international nutritional and nutritional plans and policies to promote healthy nutrition awareness of individuals and society throughout the life cycle.
11) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates the appropriate medical nutrition therapy in an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the sociocultural and economic structure of patients with different age groups. Participates in clinical trials.
12) Uses English at an adequate level to follow professional developments and to communicate with colleagues, patients and the community.
13) Uses current informatics and communication technologies effectively to reach and disseminate information in the field.
14) All field studies and scientific studies work in teams with their colleagues and different professions.
15) Performs his / her duties within the framework of Professional Responsibility and ethical values, adopts the importance of lifelong learning and continuously develops himself / herself by following the developments in science, technology and health, and ensures the progress and development of the profession of dietician.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) To be able to evaluate the basic knowledge and evidence-based developments in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, research, implementation, accuracy, reliability and validity.
2) To be able to develop an individual-specific nutritional plan and program in accordance with the rules of adequate and balanced nutrition, determination of energy and nutrient requirements of individuals with scientific methods.
3) Develop the nutritional and nutritional plan and policy for the protection, improvement and improvement of health by using methods for determining the nutritional status of the population.
4) To be able to evaluate the factors affecting the nutritional quality of the individual and society in production consumption chain and apply standards and legal regulations on food safety and security.
5) To use the current technologies, computer and information processing skills in the process of gathering and implementing basic information about Nutrition and Dietetics, having the ability of problem solving and decision making, creating a research project, information gathering and report preparation process.
6) Defines, evaluates, interprets, produces solutions, produces medical nutrition therapy, makes team work with all national and international stakeholders in health and social fields, acts according to ethical rules by using current knowledge and skills acquired in Nutrition and Dietetics field.
7) Taking into consideration the energy and nutrient requirements of the target group, evaluating the Nutrition and Dietetic aspects, makes menu planning in the institutions which are mass-fed and takes care of the food safety at all stages from the purchase of food to the service, and utilizes the technological developments in providing the appropriate service delivery.
8) Develops and implements strategies to encourage individuals and communities to choose safe and healthy foods, and prepares and updates relevant educational materials.
9) Makes laboratory applications for product development, nutrient analysis and factors affecting quality, evaluates and evaluates according to legal regulations.
10) Plans, manages, evaluates, monitors, reports and leads teamwork and supports the creation of national and international nutritional and nutritional plans and policies to promote healthy nutrition awareness of individuals and society throughout the life cycle.
11) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates the appropriate medical nutrition therapy in an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the sociocultural and economic structure of patients with different age groups. Participates in clinical trials.
12) Uses English at an adequate level to follow professional developments and to communicate with colleagues, patients and the community.
13) Uses current informatics and communication technologies effectively to reach and disseminate information in the field.
14) All field studies and scientific studies work in teams with their colleagues and different professions.
15) Performs his / her duties within the framework of Professional Responsibility and ethical values, adopts the importance of lifelong learning and continuously develops himself / herself by following the developments in science, technology and health, and ensures the progress and development of the profession of dietician.

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 10 % 10
Homework Assignments 1 % 10
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Calculation

Activities Number of Activities Preparation for the Activity Spent for the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements Workload
Course Hours 14 0 4 56
Homework Assignments 10 0 7 70
Midterms 1 0 1 1
Final 1 0 1 1
Total Workload 128