Turkish Language and Literature (Master) (with Thesis)
Master TR-NQF-HE: Level 7 QF-EHEA: Second Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 7

Program Qualifications / Outcomes


1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Have specialized knowledge in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) Gains knowledge about the main theoretical debates in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Can follow current discussions and researches in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) Comprehends the studies in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
3) Gains the ability to prepare academic/scientific publications by combining the knowledge gained in the field of Turkish Language and Literature with interdisciplinary subjects.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Can systematically transfer current developments in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and their own studies to groups in and outside the field, in written, oral and visual formats, by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
Learning Competence
1) They can critically evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and guide their learning.
Field Specific Competence
1) Students can supervise the collection, interpretation, application and announcement of data in the field of Turkish Language and Literature by considering social, scientific, cultural and ethical values.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Can independently carry out a work that requires expertise in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) It can work individually and independently in studies carried out in the fields of education, culture and art, as well as harmoniously participate in teamwork.
3) Develops new approaches for solving unforeseen problems encountered in studies related to Turkish Language and Literature.

Program Kazanımları Program Düzeyi

Program Outcomes TR-NQF-HE 7 (Master) Level Descriptors TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors
22 - Humanities
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Have specialized knowledge in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) Gains knowledge about the main theoretical debates in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
1) Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications.
2) Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with.
1) Beşeri bilimler alanında lisans düzeyi yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak aynı veya farklı bir alandaki bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde geliştirir ve derinleştirir.
2) Beşeri bilimler alanının ilişkili olduğu disiplinler arası etkileşimi kavrar ve farklı disiplinlerle ortak çalışmalar yürütür.
3) Beşeri bilimler alanında kazanılan lisans düzeyi yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak ilgili alandaki kaynakları etkin bir şekilde kullanır.
4) Beşeri bilimler alanlarında uygulanan araştırma yöntem ve tekniklerini kullanır, kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahiptir.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Can follow current discussions and researches in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) Comprehends the studies in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
3) Gains the ability to prepare academic/scientific publications by combining the knowledge gained in the field of Turkish Language and Literature with interdisciplinary subjects.
1) Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with.
2) Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge.
3) Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods.
1) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanır.
2) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği bilgileri farklı disiplin alanlarından gelen bilgilerle bütünleştirerek yorumlar, çözümler ve yeni bilgiler oluşturur.
3) Beşeri bilimler alanında karşılaşılan sorunları en uygun araştırma yöntem ve tekniklerini kullanarak çözümler.
4) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgileri toplumun eğitim, kültür ve sanat seviyesinin yükseltilmesi yönünde kullanır.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Can systematically transfer current developments in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and their own studies to groups in and outside the field, in written, oral and visual formats, by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
1) Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data.
2) Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary
3) Communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B2 General Level.
4) Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field.
1) Sosyal ilişkileri ve bu ilişkileri yönlendiren normları eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla inceler, geliştirir ve gerektiğinde değiştirmek üzere harekete geçer.
2) Beşeri bilimler alanındaki güncel gelişmeleri ve yürütülen projeleri, nicel ve nitel verilerle destekleyerek alanındaki ve alan dışındaki gruplara uygun iletişim araçlarıyla aktarır.
3) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgi ve becerilerini kullanarak toplumda kültür ve sanat duyarlılığını geliştirir.
4) Bir yabancı dili Avrupa Dil Portföyü B2 Genel Düzeyinde kullanarak sözlü ve yazılı iletişim kurar.
5) Beşeri bilimler alanının gerektirdiği düzeyde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini ileri düzeyde kullanır.
Learning Competence
1) They can critically evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and guide their learning.
1) Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning.
1) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği kuramsal ve uygulamalı uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirir.
2) Sorumluluğu altındaki kişi ve grupların öğrenmesini yönlendirir.
Field Specific Competence
1) Students can supervise the collection, interpretation, application and announcement of data in the field of Turkish Language and Literature by considering social, scientific, cultural and ethical values.
1) Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethic values and teach these values.
2) Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes.
3) Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies.
1) Beşeri bilimler alanıyla ilgili verileri toplar, yorumlar, uygular ve duyurulması aşamalarında bilimsel, kültürel, sanatsal, toplumsal ve etik değerleri gözeterek denetler ve bu değerleri anlatır.
2) Beşeri bilimler alanında strateji belirler, politika geliştirir, uygulama aşamalarını planlar ve elde edilen sonuçları kalite süreçleri çerçevesinde değerlendirir.
3) Beşeri bilimler alanında edindiği uzmanlık bilgisini ve problem çözme ve uygulama becerilerini disiplinler arası çalışmalarda kullanır.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Can independently carry out a work that requires expertise in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) It can work individually and independently in studies carried out in the fields of education, culture and art, as well as harmoniously participate in teamwork.
3) Develops new approaches for solving unforeseen problems encountered in studies related to Turkish Language and Literature.
1) Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field.
2) Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field.
3) Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field.
1) Beşeri bilimler alanıyla ilgili uzmanlık gerektiren bir çalışmayı bağımsız olarak yürütür.
2) Beşeri bilimler alanıyla ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunların çözümü için yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirir.
3) Eğitim, kültür ve sanat alanlarında yürütülen çalışmalarda bireysel olarak bağımsız çalışır ve/veya ekip çalışmalarında sorumluluk alarak çözüm üretir.
4) Beşeri bilimler alanı ile ilgili sorunların çözümlenmesini gerektiren ortamlarda liderlik yapar; kişisel, kurumsal ve ekip çalışmalarını uzmanlık düzeyinde organize eder.


1) Have specialized knowledge in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
2) Gains knowledge about the main theoretical debates in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
3) Can follow current discussions and researches in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
4) Comprehends the studies in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
5) Gains the ability to prepare academic/scientific publications by combining the knowledge gained in the field of Turkish Language and Literature with interdisciplinary subjects.
6) Can systematically transfer current developments in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and their own studies to groups in and outside the field, in written, oral and visual formats, by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
7) They can critically evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Turkish Language and Literature and guide their learning.
8) Students can supervise the collection, interpretation, application and announcement of data in the field of Turkish Language and Literature by considering social, scientific, cultural and ethical values.
9) Can independently carry out a work that requires expertise in the field of Turkish Language and Literature.
10) It can work individually and independently in studies carried out in the fields of education, culture and art, as well as harmoniously participate in teamwork.
11) Develops new approaches for solving unforeseen problems encountered in studies related to Turkish Language and Literature.