Graphic Design
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Program Qualifications / Outcomes


1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Knowledge of Art and Design History: Students gain knowledge about art and design history, understanding the origins and evolution of modern design. Their ability to analyze historical and cultural contexts enables them to produce deeper and more meaningful content in their designs. By learning about significant movements, artists, and designers in art and design history, students are better equipped to understand current design trends and potential future developments.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Students can develop their creative thinking skills to generate innovative and effective solutions to design problems. Critical Thinking and Analysis Skills: Through critical thinking and analytical skills, they can evaluate design challenges from different perspectives and determine the most appropriate solution pathways. Research, Information Gathering, and Analysis Skills: By conducting research, gathering information, and analyzing data, they enhance their ability to improve design processes and solve problems effectively.
2) Design Principles and Technical Knowledge: Students learn fundamental design principles (composition, balance, contrast, harmony, rhythm, etc.) to create successful designs from both a professional and aesthetic perspective. They gain the ability to apply design principles such as color theory, typography, hierarchy, and grid systems to achieve effective visual communication. Technical knowledge and skills enable students to solve technical problems encountered during the design process and to execute their projects to professional standards.
3) Digital and Print Design: Students learn to create graphic designs for digital media. They can work in various digital project areas such as digital illustration, web design, user interface (UI) design, and motion graphics. In the field of publishing graphics, they can specialize in various projects such as brochures, catalogs, book covers, magazines, and newspapers. The ability to design for different types of media enhances students' opportunities to find employment in a wide range of fields.
4) Use of Design Software: Students learn to effectively use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, XD, and others. Proficiency in these programs accelerates students' involvement in professional processes within the industry. Their technical skills enable them to present their projects in formats suitable for digital and print media environments.
5) Portfolio Development: Students create a professional portfolio that they can use for job applications after graduation. Portfolio projects provide students with opportunities to showcase their skills and projects, helping them attract employers' attention. During the portfolio preparation process, students receive training in project management, time planning, and presentation techniques.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Communication and Presentation Skills: Students learn to effectively present and defend their designs. This skill provides a significant advantage in job interviews, client meetings, and project presentations. Through oral and written communication skills, they can articulate design processes and projects clearly and comprehensibly. Their communication skills enable successful collaborations and teamwork on projects that require cooperation.
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Program Kazanımları Program Düzeyi

Program Outcomes TR-NQF-HE 5 (Associate) Level Descriptors TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors
21 - Arts
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Knowledge of Art and Design History: Students gain knowledge about art and design history, understanding the origins and evolution of modern design. Their ability to analyze historical and cultural contexts enables them to produce deeper and more meaningful content in their designs. By learning about significant movements, artists, and designers in art and design history, students are better equipped to understand current design trends and potential future developments.
1) Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level.
1) Ortaöğretim düzeyinde kazanılan yeterliliklere dayalı olarak alana özgü, kültür, estetik, yöntem, teknik ve malzemeler konusunda temel bilgilere sahiptir.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Students can develop their creative thinking skills to generate innovative and effective solutions to design problems. Critical Thinking and Analysis Skills: Through critical thinking and analytical skills, they can evaluate design challenges from different perspectives and determine the most appropriate solution pathways. Research, Information Gathering, and Analysis Skills: By conducting research, gathering information, and analyzing data, they enhance their ability to improve design processes and solve problems effectively.
2) Design Principles and Technical Knowledge: Students learn fundamental design principles (composition, balance, contrast, harmony, rhythm, etc.) to create successful designs from both a professional and aesthetic perspective. They gain the ability to apply design principles such as color theory, typography, hierarchy, and grid systems to achieve effective visual communication. Technical knowledge and skills enable students to solve technical problems encountered during the design process and to execute their projects to professional standards.
3) Digital and Print Design: Students learn to create graphic designs for digital media. They can work in various digital project areas such as digital illustration, web design, user interface (UI) design, and motion graphics. In the field of publishing graphics, they can specialize in various projects such as brochures, catalogs, book covers, magazines, and newspapers. The ability to design for different types of media enhances students' opportunities to find employment in a wide range of fields.
4) Use of Design Software: Students learn to effectively use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, XD, and others. Proficiency in these programs accelerates students' involvement in professional processes within the industry. Their technical skills enable them to present their projects in formats suitable for digital and print media environments.
5) Portfolio Development: Students create a professional portfolio that they can use for job applications after graduation. Portfolio projects provide students with opportunities to showcase their skills and projects, helping them attract employers' attention. During the portfolio preparation process, students receive training in project management, time planning, and presentation techniques.
1) Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level.
2) Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field.
1) Alanında edindiği temel sanat ve temel tasarım, kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilerini kullanır.
2) Alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak, verileri yorumlar, sorunları tanımlar, analiz eder, uygulamaya yönelik çözüm önerileri oluşturur.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Communication and Presentation Skills: Students learn to effectively present and defend their designs. This skill provides a significant advantage in job interviews, client meetings, and project presentations. Through oral and written communication skills, they can articulate design processes and projects clearly and comprehensibly. Their communication skills enable successful collaborations and teamwork on projects that require cooperation.
1) Transfer the ideas based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired within the field through written and oral communication.
2) Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems about issues within the field with professionals and non-professionals.
3) Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio A2 General Level.
4) Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Basic Level software knowledge.
1) Hedef kitlesini tanımlar ve ilişki kurar.
2) Alanı ile ilgili konuları uzman ya da uzman olmayan kişilere doğru olarak aktarır.
3) Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü A2 Genel Düzeyinde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izler ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurar.
4) Alanının gerektirdiği en az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı Temel Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanır.
Learning Competence
1) Evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills at basic level within the field with a critical approach, determine and respond to learning needs.
2) Direct the education received to a higher education level in the same field or to an occupation in the same level.
3) Gain awareness of lifelong learning.
1) Sanat ve tasarım alanındaki kendi çalışmalarını değerlendirir, öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirler.
2) Yaşamboyu öğrenme bilincini kazanır.
3) Öğrenimini aynı alanda bir ileri eğitim düzeyine veya aynı düzeydeki bir mesleğe yönlendirir.
Field Specific Competence
1) Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field.
2) Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security.
1) Alanında başarıyla uygulama yürütür.
2) Sanatsal, kültürel ve etik değerlere sahiptir.
3) Çevre duyarlılığına ve iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahiptir.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Conduct studies at basic level within the field independently.
2) Take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced in the implementations within the field.
3) Conduct activities towards the development of subordinates within a project.
1) Tek başına, bağımsız olarak ve/veya grup içinde uyumlu olarak çalışır.
2) Sanat ve tasarım alanı ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan sorunları çözmek için ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alır.
3) Proje süreçleri içinde yer alır.


1) Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Students can develop their creative thinking skills to generate innovative and effective solutions to design problems. Critical Thinking and Analysis Skills: Through critical thinking and analytical skills, they can evaluate design challenges from different perspectives and determine the most appropriate solution pathways. Research, Information Gathering, and Analysis Skills: By conducting research, gathering information, and analyzing data, they enhance their ability to improve design processes and solve problems effectively.
2) Design Principles and Technical Knowledge: Students learn fundamental design principles (composition, balance, contrast, harmony, rhythm, etc.) to create successful designs from both a professional and aesthetic perspective. They gain the ability to apply design principles such as color theory, typography, hierarchy, and grid systems to achieve effective visual communication. Technical knowledge and skills enable students to solve technical problems encountered during the design process and to execute their projects to professional standards.
3) Digital and Print Design: Students learn to create graphic designs for digital media. They can work in various digital project areas such as digital illustration, web design, user interface (UI) design, and motion graphics. In the field of publishing graphics, they can specialize in various projects such as brochures, catalogs, book covers, magazines, and newspapers. The ability to design for different types of media enhances students' opportunities to find employment in a wide range of fields.
4) Use of Design Software: Students learn to effectively use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, XD, and others. Proficiency in these programs accelerates students' involvement in professional processes within the industry. Their technical skills enable them to present their projects in formats suitable for digital and print media environments.
5) Portfolio Development: Students create a professional portfolio that they can use for job applications after graduation. Portfolio projects provide students with opportunities to showcase their skills and projects, helping them attract employers' attention. During the portfolio preparation process, students receive training in project management, time planning, and presentation techniques.
6) Communication and Presentation Skills: Students learn to effectively present and defend their designs. This skill provides a significant advantage in job interviews, client meetings, and project presentations. Through oral and written communication skills, they can articulate design processes and projects clearly and comprehensibly. Their communication skills enable successful collaborations and teamwork on projects that require cooperation.
7) Knowledge of Art and Design History: Students gain knowledge about art and design history, understanding the origins and evolution of modern design. Their ability to analyze historical and cultural contexts enables them to produce deeper and more meaningful content in their designs. By learning about significant movements, artists, and designers in art and design history, students are better equipped to understand current design trends and potential future developments.