Information Security Technology
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code: BGT201
Course Name: Database Management
Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Language of instruction: Turkish
Course Condition:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Compulsory Courses
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator: Öğr. Gör. RAMAZAN ŞEN
Course Lecturer(s): Mustafa Kutlutürk
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: In this course, it is aimed to understand basic concepts of database management systems, design and create a sample database, writing SQL commands, using SQL operators and functions, develop ability to design and manage relational database systems.
Course Content: Basic Concepts Database Systems, Entity-Relationsip (ER) Model, Normalization Rules, Relational Database Management Systems and Introduction to MS SQL Server, Creating a Sample Database on MS SQL Server, Relationships Between Tables, Introduction to SQL, SQL Commands, SQL Operators and SQL Functions on MS SQL Server, Table Joining (JOIN) Operations and Index Usage, Structure of VIEWs and Indexing, Stored Procedures and Triggers on MS SQL Server

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
1) To comprehend the basic concepts of database, structure of table, understanding data types, understanding properties and usage of primary key and foreign key in tables.
2) To be able to design relational database.
3) To be able to use and apply the normalization rules.
4) To be able to create a sample database on MS SQL Server.
5) To be able to write basic queries with SQL commands.
6) To be able to use SLQ operators and functions on MS SQL Server.
7) To be able perform JOIN operations and to use Index.
8) To be able to use of VIEW, Stored Procedure and Trigger structures on MS SQL Server

Course Flow Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction to Database and Basic Concepts
2) Introduction to Relational Database Model and Database Design Phases
3) Normalization Rules and Sample Database Design
4) Architecture of MS SQL Server and Create Sample Database (Tables and Keys)
5) Joining Tables on MS SQL Server and Introduction to SQL
6) Writing Queries with SQL and DDL SQL Commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)
7) Data Defination SQL Commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)
7) Writing Queries with SQL and DDL SQL Commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) (Continued..)
8) Midterm Exam
10) DQL SQL Command (SELECT)
11) Structure of SELECT and SQL Operators
12) SQL Functions (Aggregate, Strin-Character, Date etc.) and Grouping (GROUP BY)
13) Table Join Operation (JOIN) and Indexing
14) VIEW, Stored Procedure (SP) and Triggers
15) Final Exam
16) Final Exam


Course Notes / Textbooks: Veritabanı Mantığı, Kerem Köseoğlu, Pusula Yayıncılık / Programlama Kitapları Dizisi
References: Veritabanı Mantığı, Kerem Köseoğlu, Pusula Yayıncılık / Programlama Kitapları Dizisi

Course - Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Course Learning Outcomes









Program Outcomes
1) Has knowledge and skills about creating program algorithms. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2) Can install and manage software and hardware required for end user security. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
3) Can follow current security products. 1 1
4) It can manage both software and people in the environment against cyber attack incidents.
5) Installs the basic software and hardware of the computer.
6) Installs and manages open source operating system and computer networks software.
7) It manages software, hardware and people in the environment in cyber attack incidents.
8) It creates and organizes the web page and database itself and can scan for vulnerabilities.
9) Creates, manages and organizes space on cloud platforms.
10) Firewall software also enables, manages and regulates the installation of hardware.
11) It solves the working logic of a device's software and makes the necessary arrangements to maximize its functions.
12) He/she has a good command of the professional, ethical, social and legal issues in his/her field.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Has knowledge and skills about creating program algorithms. 2
2) Can install and manage software and hardware required for end user security. 1
3) Can follow current security products. 1
4) It can manage both software and people in the environment against cyber attack incidents. 1
5) Installs the basic software and hardware of the computer. 1
6) Installs and manages open source operating system and computer networks software. 1
7) It manages software, hardware and people in the environment in cyber attack incidents. 1
8) It creates and organizes the web page and database itself and can scan for vulnerabilities. 1
9) Creates, manages and organizes space on cloud platforms. 1
10) Firewall software also enables, manages and regulates the installation of hardware. 1
11) It solves the working logic of a device's software and makes the necessary arrangements to maximize its functions. 1
12) He/she has a good command of the professional, ethical, social and legal issues in his/her field. 1

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 1 % 10
Homework Assignments 2 % 10
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Calculation

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 42
Laboratory 14 28
Homework Assignments 2 20
Midterms 1 10
Final 1 16
Total Workload 116