MIM105 Introduction to ArchitectureIstinye UniversityDegree Programs ArchitectureGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code: MIM105
Course Name: Introduction to Architecture
Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Language of instruction: Turkish
Course Condition:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Compulsory Courses
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. ABDULLAH UĞUR TANYELİ
Course Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. ABDULLAH UĞUR TANYELİ
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of architecture as an intellectual practice.
Course Content: The course, aims to discuss the necessary background knowledge and basic theoretical issues to start teaching architecture. It aims to re-establish the intellectual background of the student. The topics to be covered will enable the candidate architect to introduce himself/herself to topics that he/she does not encounter during a normal high school education. The aim is to develop the ability to think and discuss architecture on the basis of its sociality. The aim is not to convince existing theoretical explanations, but to teach them to approach them critically.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
1) Can comment on the definition and scope of the field of architecture.
2) Understands critical thinking about architecture and design.
3) Understands the possibilities and the constraints of the contemporary architectural practice.

Course Flow Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) What is modernity?
2) What is modern living?
3) What is modern art?
4) What is culture?
5) What is history?
6) What is cultural otarchy?
7) Midterm exam
8) What are urban, urbanity, urbanism?
9) What is architecture?
10) What is the relationship between architecture and mediums of information?
11) What is orientalism?
12) What is utopia?
13) What is originality and imitation?
14) What are fame, genius and star?


Course Notes / Textbooks: Bülent Batuman, Mimarlığın ABC'si, Say Yayınları, Ankara, 2012.
Doğan Kuban, Mimarlık Kavramları, YEM Yay., İstanbul, 14. Baskı 2018.
References: Uğur Tanyeli, Yıkarak Yapmak: Anarşist Bir Mimarlık Kuramı İçin Altlık, Metis, İstanbul, 3. Baskı 2019.

Course - Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Course Learning Outcomes




Program Outcomes

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 50
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Calculation

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 42
Study Hours Out of Class 14 42
Midterms 1 8
Final 1 8
Total Workload 100